11 Plus Guide and Workbook

Are you a dedicated parent with grand aspirations for your child's education? Do you dream of seeing your child excel in the 11 Plus exams and secure a spot in prestigious grammar schools or independent institutions? Geek School Tutoring's 11 Plus Guide and Workbook is your ticket to maximising your child's potential.

About the 11 Plus Guide and Workbook

Our meticulously crafted 11 Plus Guide and Workbook, priced at just £15, is a powerful resource designed to help your child succeed in the 11 Plus exams.

This guide is written by Joycellyn Akuffo, the managing director of Geek School Tutoring, an expert with more than a decade of experience in 11 Plus exam preparation.

The guide covers every aspect of the 11 Plus journey.

What's Inside the 11 Plus Guide and Workbook:

  • Comprehensive Insights: Gain a deep understanding of the 11 Plus exams, why they matter, and how they can shape your child's future.

  • Academic Excellence: Equip your child with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning sections.

  • Strategies for Success: Discover proven strategies to help your child tackle the exams with confidence and precision.

  • School Selection Mastery: Make informed choices when selecting grammar schools or independent institutions that align with your child's aspirations.

  • Financial Opportunities: Explore scholarship and bursary opportunities, including music scholarships, and learn how to navigate the application process.

Why Choose Our 11 Plus Guide and Workbook

  • Proven Success: Joycellyn has a track record of helping students secure spots in top schools, both in the UK and internationally.

  • Expertise You Can Trust: Benefit from the knowledge and insights of an expert with over 10 years of experience.

  • Affordable Excellence: Priced at just £15, this guide offers exceptional value for your child's future.

Maximise Your Child's Potential Today

Don't miss this opportunity to empower your child's journey to success. Invest in their future with the 11 Plus Guide and Workbook by Joycellyn Akuffo. Join the ranks of parents who have already set their children on the path to excellence.

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11 Plus Guide and Workbook

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